Download Adblock Fast
Download Adblock Fast,
Adblock Fast is offered to users as an ad-blocking add-on. Ads that appear unexpectedly and in excessive numbers, which are one of the biggest problems of today, are no longer a problem thanks to this plugin. Moreover, Adblock Fast is offered with completely open source codes. In this way, it can be modified by users according to their expectations.
Download Adblock Fast
By adding Adblock Fast to our Chrome browser completely free of charge, we can step into the ad-free internet. Of course, the only purpose of the plugin is not to block ads. In addition to this purpose, it also tries to increase our internet speed indirectly, which, in our opinion, is quite successful in this regard.
The plugin constantly analyzes the pages we visit and blocks possible ads. As the ads are blocked, the loading speed of the pages increases noticeably. If you are bothered by ads in general and want to increase your internet speed, we recommend you to take a look at Adblock Fast.
Adblock Fast Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 2.20 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: 10x
- Latest Update: 23-12-2021
- Download: 389