Download AddMovie
Download AddMovie,
AddMovie for Mac is a tool that can combine several files into one movie, or split a single movie into several movies.
Download AddMovie
AddMovie is a program that has all the necessary features to perform the operations you want to do with your movie files. With this program, you can convert several movie files into one movie, split a movie into parts to create several movies, and also convert the format of movies to other formats as a group.
AddMovie program will not tire you with its nice design, easy to use and innovative interface. Processing is very simple and fast. After downloading and installing the program, find the movie files you want to make in one piece from the Finder, drag and drop them into the program. Then sort it in whatever order you want it to be. You can do this with the drag-and-drop method.
Converting the format of movies to another format in batch is as easy as any other process. Specify the format you want to convert the movies to from the Properties section. Then place the movies you want to convert in the file list and press the corresponding button.
Open the movie by dragging it into the program for splitting the single movie into parts. Determine the sections you want to divide into parts by duration.
AddMovie Specs
- Platform: Mac
- Category:
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Limit Point Software
- Latest Update: 19-03-2022
- Download: 1