Download Adobe InCopy
Download Adobe InCopy,
Adobe InCopy is a professional word processor. Writing and copy editing software that allows copywriters, editors, and designers to create text styles, track changes, and make simple layout edits without overwriting each others work in a document they are working on simultaneously.
Download Adobe InCopy
Adobes word processor InCopy works integrated with Adobe InDesign. InDesign is used to publish printed materials, including newspapers and magazines, while InCopy is used for word processing. It enables editors to write, edit and design documents. It includes standard word processing features such as spell checking, changes, word count, and has several display modes that allow editors to visually check design elements. These; Story Mode, which you can use to read and edit screen-wide text without creating a page format, Galley Mode, which displays text without page formatting, and Layout Mode, which displays the actual page layout with images and text.
Adding paragraph borders, finding similar fonts, advanced font filtering, working with GIFs, placing images in tables, editing tables with drag and drop, fast font search, easy hyperlinking, different page views during editing, Adobe Typekit integration, in Adobe InCopy CS6 version features are not available.
- Professional word processing: Type text with spell checking, tracking changes, and configurable text replacement.
- Strong copy-fitting: Always keep line, word, and character counts visible.
- Powerful typography options: Fine-tune glyphs and text with OpenType technology.
- Dynamic viewing modes: Allow editors to visually inspect design elements.
Adobe InCopy Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Adobe
- Latest Update: 23-01-2022
- Download: 85