Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Windows Innovative Solutions
  • Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO
  • Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO
  • Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO
  • Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO
  • Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO
  • Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO
  • Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO
  • Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO,

If your computers performance decreases due to programs and files that you have difficulty in removing from your computer, Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a junk file deletion and program removal software that will come to your aid.

Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO

The uninstall function, which is the basic function of Advanced Uninstaller PRO, is especially effective when Windows own uninstaller interface is disabled due to malicious software such as viruses. Thanks to the program, you can remove unwanted programs when the Windows uninstaller does not work, and you can perform a kind of forced program removal. Advanced Uninstaller PRO also offers a much shorter uninstall time than Windows built-in feature and has a fast-running search function. 

One of the features that turns Advanced Uninstaller PRO into a multi-purpose toolbox is its registry repair and registry cleaning feature. Sometimes, incorrect registry entries and unnecessary registry entries can cause the computer to work sluggishly, crashes and hangs. Advanced Uninstaller PRO detects these entries and repairs or deletes them as the case may be. So your computer works more efficiently.

Another feature of Advanced Uninstaller PRO to improve computer performance is Windows startup controller. Thanks to this tool, it is possible to speed up Windows startup by disabling programs that start with Windows and aggravate the startup.

The features of the program are as follows:

  • Faster than Windows, search-enabled uninstaller
  • Delete, disable or enable Control Panel shortcuts
  • Disable or delete programs that start automatically at boot
  • Cleaning program remnants by cleaning programs registry entries
  • delete internet history
  • Editing the start menu and desktop shortcuts
  • Removing Internet Explorer toolbars and add-ons
  • Detecting and deleting temporary or garbage files
  • Clearing the list of recently accessed files

Note: The program offers to install additional software that can change your browser homepage and default search engine during installation. You do not need to install these plugins for the program to work.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO Specs

  • Platform: Windows
  • Category: App
  • Language: English
  • File Size: 15.77 MB
  • Licence: Free
  • Developer: Innovative Solutions
  • Latest Update: 13-12-2021
  • Download: 1,023

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