Download Antutu 3DBench
Download Antutu 3DBench,
Antutu 3DBench is a benchmark application that you can use if you want to measure the performance of your mobile device.
Download Antutu 3DBench
The difference of Antutu 3DBench, an application that you can download and use for free on your smartphones and tablets using the Android operating system, from the classic Antutu Benchmark performance measurement application is that this benchmark application is designed to measure the game performance and graphics performance of your device. In other words, using Antutu 3DBench, you can see how your smartphone or tablet will perform in 3D games, and compare the performance of your device with the performance of other Android devices.
There are different 3D scenes in Antutu 3DBench, and by applying different visual effects on these 3D scenes, your devices graphics chip is challenged. You are presented with an overall result by averaging the performance of your device in different scenes. The 3D scenes in the application were prepared using the Unity 3D 5.0 graphics engine. This graphics engine is also used in current mobile games and includes demanding graphics calculations for devices.
Antutu 3DBench Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: Utility
- Language: English
- File Size: 73.00 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: AnTuTu
- Latest Update: 10-03-2022
- Download: 1