Download Askulator
Download Askulator,
Askulator application is prepared as a free question and answer application that you can use on your Android smartphones and tablets. Unlike many other applications, the fact that the application is domestically produced will help you get the answers of a large number of Turkish users.
Download Askulator
Since question and answer applications allow you to ask basically anything, the Askulator application was produced for the same purpose. Because if you have any questions from your clothing to the car you will buy, you can ask them directly, and you can get dozens of different answers within a few minutes. You can also write your answers to the topics that other users want answers to, so you can help others.
Thanks to the membership system, you can follow other people or choose to be followed because you have your own profile. You can use the direct messaging mechanism with the people you are friends with, and thus you can maintain your individual communication away from the eyes of others.
By sharing the questions and answers on social networks, you can also enable people who do not use the application to have an opinion, so you can spread your question to other networks. Since it is quite simple to see the proportions of the answers to your questions, you can immediately evaluate them to make your decision.
I believe that users who are looking for a quality and domestic question and answer application should definitely take a look.
Askulator Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Sekiz Internet
- Latest Update: 06-02-2023
- Download: 1