Download Biryudumkitap
Download Biryudumkitap,
Biryudumkitap is a great Android app designed for those who cant find time to read books. A unique mobile application that offers sips of books that you can read (if you want to listen to) in 15 minutes, beautiful stories and short passages from the best novels. If you cant find time to read a book, you should download the Biryudumkitap Android application. There are many categories from history to personal development, from psychology to entrepreneurship, from classical thought to modern philosophy.
Download Biryudumkitap
Biryudumkitap is a service with more than 300 thousand members in Turkey, offering 15-minute sips of the best non-fiction books and wonderful stories in readable and audio format. In the application developed by FOLX Digital for book lovers, there are many books in different categories carefully prepared by academicians. New books are added every day. You can get book recommendations. With the audio book option, you can listen to the texts at any speed, create your own library by adding the books you choose to your library, add daily reminders, and provide comfortable reading with advanced reading options (font size, brightness, night or day mode).
What is the difference of Biryudumkitap mobile application from others?
- With a methodology we have been working on for years, non-fiction books are converted into Biryudumbook format.
- Extensive reviews of non-fiction books are divided into sips.
- The content starts with what we will learn from the book, the main message of the book and the action suggestion and the advice ends with the supplementary books.
- Thus, short but intense content written in a clear language takes a place in your mind as strong texts.
- Reading a biryudum book will only give you the most important points of the book, we recommend you to read all the books you are interested in.
Biryudumkitap Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 8.20 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Biryudumkitap
- Latest Update: 11-02-2023
- Download: 1