Download bitRipper
Download bitRipper,
bitRipper is a free and useful program that allows you to save your DVDs to your computer in AVI format with one click.
Download bitRipper
To use the program, all you have to do is insert the DVD into your DVD drive, run the bitRipper program and press the start ripping button. Thats how easy it is.
If you want, the program has fine-tuning for the AVI format files you want to save.
Program Features:*Configuring video and audio codec*Video resolution and aspect ratio*Normalizing audio, track, language and audio value*Includes 3rd party decoding module for CSS protected DVDs.
This program is included in the list of best free Windows programs.
bitRipper Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.10 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: bitRipper
- Latest Update: 12-07-2021
- Download: 3,314