Download BitTorrent
Download BitTorrent,
BitTorrent, a free client in the torrent world where all kinds of files such as videos, music and games are shared, prepares the necessary environment for you to quickly share high quality files.
Download BitTorrent
The BitTorrent world, which has millions of users, offers the opportunity to exchange files securely, and helps you make the adjustments you want with advanced options and features you may need while downloading files.
BitTorrent, which offers detailed statistics and graphical download/upload information, clearly reports your shares and data exchanges to you in detail.
BitTorrent helps you quickly download files containing high quality digital content (video, music and games, etc.). This program, which supports many languages, is used by 70 million users. You can safely import files to your computer. You can examine our share with detailed graphics and statistics.
Free Download BitTorrent on Softmedal.com.
Important! Click for the language pack that includes English.
You can find other programs similar to this program in our Best and Fastest Torrent Programs guide.
You can also try the popular torrent program uTorrent as an alternative.
BitTorrent Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 5.24 MB
- Licence: Free
- Version: 7.10.8
- Developer: BitTorrent
- Latest Update: 30-11-2021
- Download: 1,031