Download BSCoaching
Download BSCoaching,
BSCoaching is a mobile application for all athletes that includes the training programs of our national athlete Bahar Saygılı, who represents our country in the national and international triathlon branch. You can use this app regardless of your level as a runner, cyclist, swimmer or triathlete.
Download BSCoaching
The application, which is prepared for athletes who train outdoors, offers personalized programs that will help them reach their goals. It helps you reach your goal by infecting you with professional trainers in the field, especially the national athlete Bahar Saygılı. After purchasing your personalized program for you, you can see the daily, weekly and monthly training program from the calendar and start applying it.
In order to create your training program in the sports application, which you can quickly sign up with your Facebook account and start using, information such as your health history, last checkup, resting heart rate, time you can allocate for training and rest day preference, working status, if any, your smart bracelet or watch that measures your heart rate, in order to create your training program. You need to enter.
BSCoaching Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 39.90 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Veveya Bilişim Çözümleri
- Latest Update: 28-02-2023
- Download: 1