Download CleanApp
Download CleanApp,
CleanApp, the file manager for Mac, puts you in control of all the apps and files on your Mac.
Download CleanApp
It provides a summary of all the programs youve just downloaded to the Mac, making it easy to find anything youre looking for via Spotlight, both by names and the last time you accessed it. Thus, you can find and remove programs that you have not used for a long time, or maybe even forgot to use. You can even free up more space on your disk.
With this software, you can also remove unnecessary language packs that are parts of applications. The packages of languages that you do not speak and do not know may also be installed alongside the programs you download. By removing them, you also prevent your Mac from getting wasted.
Another feature of the CleanApp program is that it tests the program before uninstalling it. Thus, possible data loss when uninstalling a program is prevented.
Some system add-ons take up a lot of disk space and may be completely unnecessary. CleanApp finds which ones are unnecessary and cleans them up. Outdated documents and applications can be large and take up space. Thanks to the "Old Files" feature of this program, you can track and delete them. In addition, the program has the feature of finding and deleting duplicate files.
CleanApp Specs
- Platform: Mac
- Category:
- Language: English
- File Size: 27.40 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Synium Software
- Latest Update: 22-03-2022
- Download: 1