Download Coursera
Download Coursera,
Coursera is an open source and free learning platform that anyone can use. Learning has no age and takes a lifetime. Application developers have combined this rightful statement with the blessings of technology and created an extremely interesting and useful platform.
Download Coursera
Coursera, which provides access to written materials on many subjects such as art, biology, business management, chemistry, artificial intelligence, computers, engineering, painting, law, mathematics, physics, pharmacy, social sciences and information analysis, will be especially popular with students.
As you guessed, since the application is offered in English, it is necessary to have a good command of English to be able to read the texts. Texts supported with pictures offer detailed information to users.
In its stylish and modern interface, you can click on the fields that interest you and access the texts written about that subject. It is extremely easy to use and works fast.
You can download your favorite texts from the source texts concentrated in 20 different areas to your device and make them accessible even when you do not have an internet connection. Coursera, which has 600 different content in total, can be a good hobby for students during their summer holidays. Its both fun and educational. What more can a person expect?
Coursera Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 7.50 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Coursera
- Latest Update: 20-02-2023
- Download: 1