Download CsvToXLS
Download CsvToXLS,
CSV files are among the basic formats used to accurately transfer the data of many programs we use on our computer to other programs, thus preventing problems in data transfers. However, it can be very time-consuming to convert this format, which looks very bad for users and is not useful, to XLS, that is, Excel format.
Download CsvToXLS
One of the free programs prepared for this job appeared as CsvToXLS. Since the program does not have any interface, it is not possible to comment on it. Because the application, which works directly and converts CSV to XLS, completes its work without any problems.
When using the program, it is enough to drag and drop the CSV file you have on the program file you downloaded. When you complete the process, an XLS file is created in the same directory as the CSV file and you can start using this file immediately.
The program, which does not have any problems or troubles during its operation, completes the conversion process with a very high performance and fast. Although Excel includes saving options that will enable this conversion, the results are still inefficient for users, and it should be noted that the XLS file that CsvToXLS offers for the user is more useful.
CsvToXLS Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.81 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Metin Yakar
- Latest Update: 06-12-2021
- Download: 801