Download DeviceLock
Download DeviceLock,
Security software such as antivirus and firewall can protect you and your computer to a certain extent. However, if you want to ensure the complete security of your data and system on your computer, you should also keep the entries on your computer under control. Although a program that ensures the security of USB ports, requires an authorization password for all files to be transferred to the computer, and ensures that data transfer is not made without the knowledge of the computer administrator, there may be deficiencies in security since it cannot provide security on other ports.
Download DeviceLock
DeviceLock is a professional device control software that is a complete solution for data security. . Just like other data entry filtering programs, DeviceLock works through the system administrators password and imposes restrictions on all users. If you want all USB,You can turn off the CD/DVD, FireWire, WIFI and Bluetooth inputs, and ensure that no data is transferred or received from your computer without your permission.
Thanks to the agenda system in the program, you can set the times at which all entries on your computer will remain open and when they will be locked as you wish. If you do not use the parallel and serial inputs on your computer at all, you can turn them off via the program.
DeviceLock Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 396.83 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: DeviceLock
- Latest Update: 16-01-2022
- Download: 287