Download DriverPack
Download DriverPack,
DriverPack is a free driver update program that you can use to find missing drivers on your Windows computer more easily and to solve driver problems faster.
What is DriverPack, What Does It Do?
DriverPack is free driver updater software that, in just a few clicks, finds the appropriate device drivers your computer needs and then downloads and installs them for you. DriverPack is very easy to use and not complicated unlike similar programs.
DriverPack has the largest database of unique drivers in the world, located on top-of-the-line high-speed servers around the world. It uses machine learning technologies that make the selection algorithm better and more accurate to do the driver installation process quickly and with the highest possible quality. It saves you the time you spend installing and updating device drivers on Windows PC. It scans the computer on its own, detects and installs exactly which drivers are needed. It installs the official drivers from the manufacturers.
DriverPack does not require installation; You can download and run directly. DriverPacks database has more than 10 million drivers for various devices. You can even find a driver for a very old device that hasnt been updated for a long time. Drivers are found by daily scanning of manufacturers official websites, technical support servers, dedicated ftp servers, and newsletters, and driver developers are contacted directly.
There are two ways to run the program: Regular Mode and Expert Mode.
- Regular Mode - After opening the installation file, DriverPack will run in normal mode by default. Your computer is prepared and the drivers you need are downloaded and installed for you. It differs from expert mode; Installing drivers is very practical. If you are new to driver update, choose this mode if you find it difficult to choose which ones to install.
- Expert Mode - The other way to download drivers is in expert mode. After opening the program, you need to select Run in the Expert Mode. Expert mode gives full control over installed drivers. Check the box next to each driver update or driver toolkit you want to install. This mode also has a list of recommended programs in the software tab, which you can selectively install if you wish. This mode also offers Protection and Clean, which detects programs you might want to get rid of. E.g; it allows you to get rid of unwanted programs that some security programs contain. Diagnostics is not about drivers but is useful if you are wondering what your computer manufacturer and model is. Also Google Chrome version number, your username, computer name,shows motherboard details and other things youd normally only find in the system information tool.
Is DriverPack Reliable?
Your antivirus program may detect virus in DriverPack. If you downloaded DriverPack from the official site link, it is absolutely virus free. Most likely false alert. So why does this problem occur? DriverPack takes care of drivers, which means it affects the most important low-level processes in the system, such behavior often alarms the antivirus. In this case, you should notify the technical support of your antivirus program and continue with the installation.
What is DriverPack Offline Full?
DriverPack offline full version is a 25GB oversized package for driver installation without internet access. Download DriverPack offline version, use the huge library of up-to-date drivers to find missing/outdated drivers for the device you want. It is the perfect solution for system administrators. DriverPack Online version is available except DriverPack Offline Full package which includes all drivers and works without internet connection. DriverPack Online automatically detects outdated drivers, downloads official new versions from the database and installs them on your device. DriverPack Network is the version of DriverPack offline that contains only network hardware drivers. If you do not want to download the full version of DriverPack in large size, you can use the DriverPack Network version to solve the internet problem.
Is DriverPack Free?
DriverPack Solution is a free driver update tool. It is a free driver updater program that finds the necessary drivers for your computer and downloads and installs them for you. You dont need to click any wizards or installation prompts.
DriverPack has all the features you expect from a driver update tool:
- It works with Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.
- Its a small program that doesnt take long to download and connects to the internet for free online driver updates.
- It is completely install-free and can be launched from any folder, hard drive or portable device such as a flash disk.
- Restore points are created automatically before driver installations.
- You can install all the necessary drivers at once.
- It shows the driver version of the current driver as well as the version available for download.
- It can list all drivers, including those that do not need to be updated.
- Website, processor, Bluetooth, sound, video card etc. allows you to download specific driver kits. In the archive Logitech, Motorola, Realtek, Broadcom etc. There are separate folders for different manufacturers such as
- In the settings there is an option to clear temporary files after the necessary data is used up. This helps you keep your hard drive storage low.
- DriverPack Notifier can be enabled to monitor your computer for hardware or software errors.
DriverPack Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 7.93 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Artur Kuzyakov
- Latest Update: 02-10-2021
- Download: 1,637