Download EnglishCentral
Download EnglishCentral,
EnglishCentral is a mobile foreign language training application that you can use if you want to learn and speak English effectively.
Download EnglishCentral
EnglishCentral, an English learning application that you can download and use for free on your smartphones and tablets using the Android operating system, basically allows you to learn new words and sentences through videos and hear how words are pronounced. The application allows you to learn a foreign language for free by taking advantage of the blessings of technology. With EnglishCentral, you have an English teacher that you can carry in your pocket.
After registering with EnglishCentral, users are offered thousands of different videos. These videos include English dialogues and English subtitles are displayed while you watch the video, and the words used are listed. By tapping on these words, users can see their meanings in the form of an English dictionary. In this way, you can both develop your vocabulary and have the ability to make sense of words in English. You can also hear the pronunciation of these words.
EnglishCentral also gives users the opportunity to improve their speaking skills. The application can give you instant feedback when you pronounce the words and phrases you have learned. Your performance is scored and you are provided to improve yourself over time.
EnglishCentral Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 16.00 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: EnglishCentral
- Latest Update: 16-02-2023
- Download: 1