Download Exam Teacher
Download Exam Teacher,
With the Exam Teacher application, you can easily prepare for the promotion exams of the ministries, questions from AÖF and drivers license exams on your Android operating system devices.
Download Exam Teacher
Instead of pouring money into various resources while preparing for the exams, you can access the questions of all courses from the Exam Teacher application. I think it will be very easy for you to prepare for the exams in the application, which also includes a pool of questions sent by users and approved by users.
You can have new questions from the same test come after the questions you have solved in the Exam Teacher application, or you can repeat the questions you have solved incorrectly. From the main screen of the application, it is possible to repeat the questions that you answered correctly or incorrectly on a daily basis. After installing the Exam Teacher application, you can download the questions before starting the test and use them offline when you do not have an internet connection. In addition, it is aimed that you will not miss any exams with the academic calendar in the application.
Exam Teacher Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: aofhocasi
- Latest Update: 15-02-2023
- Download: 1