Download File Helper
Download File Helper,
It is common for a document downloaded to a computer to be of an unknown extension. In such cases, you should research and find the appropriate program and get it from the right address. File Helper, on the other hand, does all these operations by itself, finds the appropriate program to open a document in an unfamiliar format and allows you to download it with one click.
Download File Helper
As soon as you install File Helper on your computer, it performs a scan and first lists the documents with the extension that the system cannot open. It then shows you what the file extensions in the list are and what program to open them with a short explanation. What the program can do is not limited to this. File Helper finds the program it recommends by performing a search in its database to download it to your computer immediately and allows you to download it to your computer immediately.
File Helper Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 6.70 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Blitware Technology Inc.
- Latest Update: 29-04-2022
- Download: 1