Download FlashChat
Download FlashChat,
FlashChat application is among the free tools that Android users who are looking for an alternative messaging application can choose, and I can say that it is a very user-friendly application thanks to its simple use and performance structure.
Download FlashChat
The biggest difference of the application from other messaging applications is that it allows users connected to the same Wi-Fi network to message each other seamlessly, so even when there is no internet connection, it is enough to be connected to the same network.
It is also possible to say that it can be used as a productivity tool, especially at workplaces, schools and other places, as it allows users who connect to the same internet at the same time to message. You dont have to worry too much about your personal security, as sent and received messages are not stored anywhere and are deleted as soon as you leave the network.
Since it is possible to both specify your username and be anonymous without specifying it in the application, you also have the opportunity to choose which users you will message while using it, or to remain completely silent.
If you do not find the classic messaging applications sufficient for your needs and you are looking for alternatives, you should not miss it.
FlashChat Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: NexStreaming Corp.
- Latest Update: 20-03-2022
- Download: 1