Download Font Mystery
Download Font Mystery,
Font Mystery is a puzzle game that can be played on Android phones and tablets.
Download Font Mystery
Developed by a small game studio called Creative Brothers, this creative game will take you on a small walk through the past and remind you of all those TV shows and movies youve watched so far. Our aim in this production, which can be defined as a font-finding game, is to find out who actually belongs to the fonts that appear in different ways. In other words, you will see a few articles written with the theme used in the poster of Jurassic Park and you will try to find out that it belongs to Jurassic Park.
As in the case of Jurassic Park, Font Mystery, which contains more than 200 font puzzles and offers its players a long time of entertainment, can be called one of the most original games released recently. You can watch more detailed information about this game, which draws attention with its unique gameplay and fun structure, from the video below. Enjoy watching:
Font Mystery Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: Game
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Simon Jacquemin
- Latest Update: 26-12-2022
- Download: 1