Download Geekbench
Primate Labs
Download Geekbench,
Geekbench is a cross-platform performance benchmarking program. With this program, you can measure the performance of your computers processor and RAM. Geekbench also offers the Geekbench Results Scanner for you to compare your results with other users using this program.
Download Geekbench
- Multiple criteria: The processor criteria of the program can work in single and multiple modes. It allows you to measure the performance of your system if it is a single-core or multi-core processor.
- The program can run in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
- Enter your results into the Geekbench Results Scanner and share them with other users.
- SIMD Benchmarking Criteria: The program has multiple attributes using SIMD instructions. These allow you to see the performance boost that SIMD applications bring to your system.
- Rosetta Benchmarks: The program is available for both Universal and Rosetta versions of Mac.
Geekbench Specs
- Platform: Mac
- Category:
- Language: English
- File Size: 6.60 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Primate Labs
- Latest Update: 22-03-2022
- Download: 1