Download InstaDownloader
Download InstaDownloader,
The InstaDownloader application is one of the free applications that allows you to download videos and images from Instagram accounts using your Android mobile devices, and you can be sure of the security of your own Instagram account as it does not require any login procedure.
Download InstaDownloader
All you have to do while using the application is to copy the web addresses of the photos or videos and paste them into the application. After you press the download button, the download process will start and will be completed after a while, depending on the size of the video or photo.
However, users should be careful about sharing downloaded files on their Instagram account, as this may be considered copyright infringement and may result in your Instagram account being terminated. Thats why I recommend using it only when you want to save some videos and pictures.
However, unfortunately, the application can only download images on public profiles, and since it does not allow Instagram account login, you cannot download photos and videos of people who are closed to the public, even if they are your own friends.
We did not see a remarkable error in InstaDownloader, which is very easy to use as an interface. You can start downloading your images by installing them on your device immediately and without any problems.
InstaDownloader Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.80 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Yahami Lab
- Latest Update: 08-02-2023
- Download: 1