Download InstaWeather
Download InstaWeather,
The InstaWeather Android app allows you to share your adventures with your friends in a very different way, using weather information and photos on the one hand. Thus, InstaWeather, which has a very different structure from standard photo sharing and geolocation applications, will greatly surprise your friends.
Download InstaWeather
The application basically asks you to take a photo wherever you go. It then combines the photo you took with the weather information and temperature in your location and prints this information on your photo. Then you can send this photo to your friends on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and make them jealous.
The use of completely real weather temperature and location information and the photos you took makes the application completely real and believable. This information includes information such as air pressure, temperature, rain, wind strength and direction. You can also print daily, weekly and monthly information on photos. Celsius and Fahrenheit can be used for temperature units, while kilometers or miles can be used for distance and speed units.
InstaWeather Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: byss mobile
- Latest Update: 09-02-2023
- Download: 1