Download IQ Test
Download IQ Test,
IQ Test is a free Android application developed for users to test their IQ on Android devices.
Download IQ Test
The questions asked in the application are generally visual and graphic questions to test elements such as learning ability, memory, logical ability, creative thinking and evaluation. In this way, the effects of resources such as different cultures, languages, environment, history and other factors were minimized and all users could easily apply the test.
There are a total of 39 questions that you have to answer within 40 minutes. If you are not sure about the answer to a question, you can skip that question and come back to the same question later.
Generally, normal people have IQs between 80-120, and IQs above 120 are considered exceptional. For example, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has an IQ of 160.
Wondering how smart you are? By downloading the IQ Test on your Android devices, you can apply the IQ test yourself and reveal how smart you are.
IQ Test Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Tamindir
- Latest Update: 20-02-2023
- Download: 1