Download ISO Compressor
Download ISO Compressor,
ISO Compressor is a useful ISO file compression program for Windows users to reduce their size and gain extra hard disk space by compressing ISO image files on their computers in CSO format.
Download ISO Compressor
ISO Compressor, which is an ideal program especially for owners of portable devices such as PlayStation and Wii, to compress and store the image files of their games in a way that takes up less space on their devices, offers a truly ideal solution for portable device owners at this point.
The program, which has a very simple interface, is also very easy to use. All you have to do is select the PlayStation or Wii iSO files you want to compress and start the compression process after determining the folder to save as CSO. With the program that offers users 9 different compression options, you can quickly compress the file size less quickly or more slowly, depending on the compression level you choose between 1 and 9.
You can easily perform the reverse compression process, that is, open the compressed CSO files and restore the ISO files with the help of ISO Compressor.
I strongly recommend that Wii and PlayStation owners try ISO Compressor, a free program that converts ISO files to CSO format by compressing them to save disk space.
ISO Compressor Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.66 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: isocompressor.com
- Latest Update: 10-10-2021
- Download: 2,084