Download LibreTorrent
Download LibreTorrent,
Libretorrent is a torrent application that works on Android phones and tablets.
Download LibreTorrent
We have entered an era where our mobile devices are now overtaking the computers we use seriously. While we were trying to prove the superiority of computers with things that mobile devices could not do in the past, now we can easily see that they can do everything that comes to mind. Libretorrent brings the convenience of the programs we use on computers and more to our mobile devices.
The application contains everything that a torrent program should have. The most useful feature is that you can change the location of the files. Whether the file continues to download or not, you can move the location of the downloaded content on your device as you wish. After the easy migration, the download can continue in a healthy way. It is possible to make this change even when using the multi-download feature.
LibreTorrent Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 35.00 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: proninyaroslav
- Latest Update: 16-11-2021
- Download: 962