Download Live Radio HD
Download Live Radio HD,
Live Radio is an easy-to-use and free radio application developed to enable radio lovers to listen to the radio live on their Android devices.
Download Live Radio HD
You can access all popular and local radio channels on the application that you can use to listen to the radio easily at home, at school, at work, in the office or wherever you want. The application is regularly updated in line with new features and user requests. Therefore, keeping it in automatic update will provide trouble-free use.
If you are using Live Radio, which is simple and easy to use, with your limited ADSL or mobile internet package, I recommend you to be careful. Because you need an internet connection while listening to the radio with the application. Although it does not use too much, it will be useful for you to be careful. Apart from that, the quality of the broadcast will change according to your internet quality.
There are ads in the application, which is offered for free. But the ads are not the kind of ads that will disturb you while listening to the radio with the application. For this reason, you can use Live Radio by downloading it to your Android phones and tablets with peace of mind.
Live Radio HD Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: SE7ENSOFT
- Latest Update: 03-04-2023
- Download: 1