Download LiveLens
Download LiveLens,
LiveLens is the most fun and simple way to share the moment with your loved ones. With the application that allows you to share the most entertaining moments of your life with your friends and other people live, you also have the chance to earn money by preparing special and interesting videos.
Download LiveLens
LiveLens is a social platform where people from all over the world live stream what they are doing at the moment. You can share live with your friends whats going on at an event you are in, or you can share a recipe with your loved ones. You can see who watched the broadcast you shared, comments or likes.
Since the application, which has no restrictions for video recording, is social-based, its interface has been created with a design similar to social networking applications. In your main stream, you can watch live broadcasts of people around the world, comment and like if you wish. There is also a profile option in the application, which collects the upcoming live broadcasts in a separate area. You can follow people whose videos you like. You start the live broadcast with the GO LIVE button. You can also send an invitation to your friends to watch your live broadcast.
LiveLens is a great free and social based mobile application that allows you to live stream from your Android smartphone and tablet.
LiveLens Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: LiveLens Ltd.
- Latest Update: 08-02-2023
- Download: 1