Download Logo Quiz Ultimate
Download Logo Quiz Ultimate,
Logo Quiz Ultimate is one of the logo puzzle games that you can play for free on your Android-based phone and tablet. Every day, you have the chance to compete with others in the game, which reveals the logos of the products we see on the internet, on the street, and the products we use.
Download Logo Quiz Ultimate
Logo Quiz Ultimate game, which is very popular on the Android platform, is the most exciting logo finder game I have ever played. What distinguishes the game from its peers is the point system and online support. Just like the similar ones, it is not enough to know the logo correctly. At the same time, you must deliberately achieve high scores with the least mistakes and compete with other players.
In the game, which presents 1950 company and product logos in 39 chapters in total (new logos will be added with future updates), you lose 5 points for each wrong cognition, and 2 points for your minor mistake (such as a single letter wrong). When you write the name of the logo correctly, you earn 100 points. In the game where there is no time limit, you can benefit from the hints for the logos that you have difficulty in finding. Unlocking the name of the logo completely and getting brief information about it are among the tips that help you. When you use them, they are deducted from your score. You lose 7 points when you use the first clue and 10 points when you use the second clue. I recommend that you do not use the hints too much, as the score is very important to get into the best list.
In the game, which offers an award-winning logo every day, you are notified by instant notification when a new logo is added or any changes are made. If you trust your logo knowledge, definitely play this game.
Logo Quiz Ultimate Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: Game
- Language: English
- File Size: 38.00 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: symblCrowd
- Latest Update: 09-01-2023
- Download: 1