Download Lyrically
Download Lyrically,
If you are curious about the lyrics of the songs you listen to, you can use the application called Lyrically, which has a simple use.
Download Lyrically
In the Lyrically application, which has a library of more than one million lyrics, you can reach your goal by using various search criteria such as search by artist, by song title or by lyrics. In addition, by selecting the registered singers in the application, you can easily access their albums and songs in the album. I can say that the Lyrically application supported by Lyric Wikia is the product of the collaboration of music lovers.
The Lyrically application, which you can use on your Android operating system devices, is not limited to only showing lyrics. You can listen to the song you are looking for through the application, as well as follow the lyrics simultaneously. Supporting Google Music, Pandora, Spotify, Rdio, Deezer and many more online music listening services, the application allows you to listen to the song you are looking for through these services. With the share button, you can download the Lyrically app for free, where you can share the song with your friends.
Lyrically Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Wikia, Inc.
- Latest Update: 25-03-2023
- Download: 1