Download LYS Preference Robot
Download LYS Preference Robot,
If you are preparing for university exams and wondering which universities and departments your scores are enough for, you can easily prepare your preference list with LYS Preference Robot.
Download LYS Preference Robot
LYS Preference Robot, where you can easily access the base and ceiling scores of all universities and departments in our country, will be your biggest assistant during the selection period. The application, which offers the option to search by universities and by departments, offers all the information you may need, such as the base scores of the departments, their rankings, quotas and score types, with a simple and convenient interface.
In the LYS Preference Robot application, which helps you to easily find out which section you can enter with the LYS and YGS scores of 2015, as well as to help you make your own preference list, you can easily access the sections in the search results by adding them to your favorites later. In the menu on the left, you can easily access the Universities, Departments and My Favorites options.
You can download the LYS Preference Robot application, which will be the biggest assistant of the students in the preference period, to your Android operating system devices free of charge.
LYS Preference Robot Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: oyenigun
- Latest Update: 16-02-2023
- Download: 1