Download MP3 Normalizer
Download MP3 Normalizer,
MP3 Normalizer is a program that can be useful if you are among the users who cannot give up listening to music in .mp3 format when there are dozens of services to listen to music online.
Download MP3 Normalizer
MP3 Normalizer is a small program that allows you to increase the sound quality of your mp3 and wave format files, which have different qualities, to the same level at once, and increases the quality of your mp3s.
To adjust all your music to the same volume, all you have to do is add your mp3s with the Add Files you will see in the upper right corner when you open the program, determine the volume and click the Normalize button. Depending on the number of mp3 files you add, your mp3s are saved in the folder you specify after a long or very short waiting period. You no longer have to play with the sound while listening to music.
MP3 Normalizer Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 2.00 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: mp3-soft.com
- Latest Update: 30-12-2021
- Download: 241