Download My Daily Planner
Download My Daily Planner,
If you cannot keep up with your work during the day and have difficulty keeping many things in mind, we can say that My Daily Planner, a daily planning application, is just for you. You can plan your hours during the day comprehensively and create reminders. All you have to do is set a day on the calendar, add plans to the clock and turn on your reminders.
The application has a useful and very simple calendar. You can easily carry out your transactions and get your life in order through the calendar.
Download My Daily Planner
While planning your day, you can also add subtasks to the same planning. If you have added a sports task, you can avoid confusion by adding various sports branches at the bottom. Although confusion may often arise in some peoples minds, there is no room for complexity in this application.
Plus, you dont need to open the app to see your to-do list. Thanks to the widgets you can add to your home screen, you can get your work done faster and experience extra comfort.
My Daily Planner can not only create the same or a single day, but also add different plans to each day of the month if you wish. So this means; You can create different plans for each day, add important events throughout the year to your planning, and complete your work without forgetting anything.
If you have problems planning during the day, you can eliminate this problem by downloading My Daily Planner. In this simple and useful application, make your daily plans, create reminders and keep your life organized.
My Daily Planner Features
- Simple and useful calendar program.
- Creating a to-do list.
- Planning reminders.
- Add subtasks.
- Personal statistics.
- Routine and repetitive tasks.
- Home page widget.
My Daily Planner Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 10 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Time Management Studio
- Latest Update: 19-01-2024
- Download: 1