Download My Earthquake Alerts
Download My Earthquake Alerts,
My Earthquake Alerts application, where you can learn about the latest earthquakes around the world, offers many features to users. The increasing and ever-possible earthquakes in our country certainly leave a frightening feeling on everyone. If you want to get instant information about the latest earthquakes, My Earthquake Alerts provide all data, including location, time, magnitude, depth and distance, free of charge to all users.
In this application, where you can get instant earthquake information from all over the world, you can also take a look at the data of old earthquakes compared to recent earthquakes. By filtering earthquakes dating back to 1970, you can get information about the earthquakes you want to investigate.
If you havent prepared an earthquake bag yet, you can learn what should be in your earthquake bag by clicking on the content below.
LifeWhat Should Be in Your Earthquake Bag? How to Prepare an Earthquake Bag?
Earthquake kit is of great importance for peoples survival after a disaster.
Download My Earthquake Warnings
The application has a user-friendly interface and simple design so that all users can access the data without difficulty. By selecting the country you want from the recent earthquakes menu, you can turn on notifications or just get information about earthquakes.
By downloading My Earthquake Warnings, where you can get information about earthquakes around the world, you can access powerful data for free. Learn the exact location, distance, depth and magnitude of earthquakes in the most accurate way and take quick action.
My Earthquake Warnings Features
- Live earthquake information from around the world.
- Free access.
- Check out not just the latest earthquakes, but earthquakes dating back to 1970.
- User-friendly interface and simple design.
- Get all the data about earthquakes: magnitude, depth, distance, location and time.
SOFTWAREApplications That May Be Useful in Times of Natural Disaster
Communicating with someone during natural disasters such as earthquakes may be more difficult than you think, and it is beneficial to prepare for such situations in advance.
My Earthquake Alerts Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 18 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: jRustonApps B.V.
- Latest Update: 23-12-2023
- Download: 1