Download MyAddictometer
Download MyAddictometer,
MyAddictometer is the productivity tool that helps you keep your smartphone addiction under control. A free app that shows how addicted you are to your Android phone by graphically presenting how much time you spend on your smartphone during the day.
Download MyAddictometer
MyAddictometer is one of the productivity applications specially prepared for people who see smartphones as an important part of their lives, give more importance to real life than digital life, and cant stay away from their smartphones.
The Android application, which analyzes your smartphone usage behavior and presents mobile usage trends and data together, has a graphical interface. The daily usage tracker analyzes your daily smartphone usage and shows your usage time by day, week and month. In addition, the screen lock that you have opened for various reasons such as looking at notifications and the time is also tracked, and how often you open your phones screen during the day is shown graphically. From the Analytics page, you can see how much you use your phone at certain times of the day. How much time you spend on the phone in the morning, afternoon, evening, night and late at night is shown in a graph. Your hourly usage statistics are also listed on the Timeline Timeline page.
MyAddictometer Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Nanhe Kadam
- Latest Update: 31-07-2023
- Download: 1