Download Our folk
Download Our folk,
Our folk songs are a useful and free Android application that you can check by finding the lyrics of both folk songs and original music. Thanks to the simple interface of the application, which is offered for free, you can easily read the lyrics of all the songs you want.
Download Our folk
You can access the lyrics of the songs you want more easily by entering parameters such as the name of the song, lyrics, source person, lyric-music and compiler in the search section in the application. Another useful feature in the application is that you can add your favorite songs to your favorites so that you can easily access them again later.
There are lyrics of folk songs in our folk songs application, but you can view the YouTube results of the song whose lyrics you control by pressing the play button in the song lyrics page. You can listen to the song with its lyrics by opening one of the videos here.
I recommend you to download our songs, which is a free application that can be used by folk song lovers, to your Android phones and tablets.
Our folk Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 3.80 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: cagrikesen
- Latest Update: 25-03-2023
- Download: 1