Download PicGIF
Download PicGIF,
PicGIF program is among the free applications that can be preferred by those who want to easily make animated GIF images on their Mac operating system computers, so you can turn your fun moments into a format that your friends can open from any device at any time. I dont think you will have any difficulties while using the program thanks to its easy-to-use structure and fast gif creation capability.
Download PicGIF
The application, which can use both videos and photos to make GIFs, can also be used to collect photos from your archives in a single animated picture. But keep in mind that the quality of GIF format is much lower than video and other image formats. For this reason, it is possible to encounter quality and color distortions in images due to the nature of GIF.
Thanks to the video trimming feature in the application, you can perform the necessary shortening operations after you import your videos into the program. In addition, it is possible to add texts and stickers as you wish. It is not possible to encounter any problems even on computers that do not have very high hardware level, thanks to the fact that the processes performed are carried out quickly and without tiring the system.
After all the operations are completed, you can save your animated GIF immediately and share it with your friends. If you are looking for a new and useful GIF program, I recommend you not to try it.
PicGIF Specs
- Platform: Mac
- Category:
- Language: English
- File Size: 7.71 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: PearlMountain Software
- Latest Update: 21-03-2022
- Download: 1