Download Publisher Lite
Download Publisher Lite,
Mac users who want to create pages in newspaper and magazine formats no longer have to pay for complex and expensive print-publishing applications. Because, thanks to the Publisher Lite application, which is prepared to do this job, you can design your own content in accordance with the printed formats without any difficulty and make them ready for printing.
Download Publisher Lite
From newspapers to business cards and brochures, there is almost nothing that cannot be prepared with the application. I can say that your design work will become much easier thanks to dozens of different professional templates included in it.
In addition to the templates, you can easily make all of your designs different from each other thanks to the images, backgrounds and other beautifying tools included in the application. The application, which allows both horizontal and vertical designs, helps you to easily achieve the look you want.
Supporting all basic operations such as rotating, copying, cutting and pasting, the application also has an undo option. Of course, close and far viewing, flipping, and other design tools have also taken their place.
After your design is completed, you can share it in all popular image and document formats, or share it with others via social networks and image sharing services. If you are looking for a free design tool for printing works, I definitely recommend that you take a look.
Publisher Lite Specs
- Platform: Mac
- Category:
- Language: English
- File Size: 82.80 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: PearlMountain Technology Co., Ltd
- Latest Update: 21-03-2022
- Download: 1