Download QQ
Download QQ,
QQ is Chinas most popular social network. In order to use the QQ application, you need to create a special QQ account through the application. To create your QQ account, you need a Chinese phone number starting with +86. It is not enough only with that, you need to be able to read Chinese as the application does not support English language. In short, you must be a Chinese citizen.
Download QQ
Using the QQ application, you can freely chat and share photos, files, locations and videos with any user in your friend list. You can also video or audio and make calls if youre other.
Apart from this, if you wish, you can view your friends profiles and watch their chat records, and even play thousands of games on the application for free, follow the current news and more. If you are a Chinese citizen, the QQ app is almost a part of your life. With QQ you can create group chats and invite all your friends on your list to these group chats: There is no participant limit in group chats!
QQ is an indispensable social networking application for all Chinese citizens. With a single QQ app, you can chat, make phone calls, video calls and more. You can download the QQ application to your Android device with Softmedal quality and start using it.
QQ Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.41 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Tencent Technology Company Ltd.
- Latest Update: 01-08-2022
- Download: 1