Download RegToBat Converter
Download RegToBat Converter,
Windows registry, namely registry data, can be easily converted into executable BAT files, so you can move the data in the registry to other computers with disks, and with executable BAT files, you can move the contents to the registry of the computer you are taking. Thus, users of multiple computers, system administrators, network administrators and security experts can fight against threats more quickly and effectively, or overcome problems easily.
Download RegToBat Converter
To do this, all you have to do is to drag and drop the registry information you saved as a .reg file to the RegToBat Converters interface or add it by selecting it from the file selection menu.
If you want various operations to be performed while opening this BAT file, you can of course adjust various settings in the program, such as obtaining user approval, changing the -echo information, deleting empty lines, buffering, and thus making the BAT files work as you want.
I recommend that you dont forget to try it as one of the quick tools that those who deal with the registry and distributing this information to other computers should definitely have in their hands.
RegToBat Converter Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 0.28 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Velociraptor
- Latest Update: 10-04-2022
- Download: 1