Download reTXT
Download reTXT,
reTXT application can be used for Android smartphone and tablet users to send and receive messages very easily from their mobile devices, and I can say that it is a messaging application with advanced features. I should also mention that the application, which is offered free of charge for two months and then charges very small fees, is easier to use than many messaging applications.
Download reTXT
The contents of the messages you send using the application are transmitted in an encrypted manner, and people who can infiltrate your internet network and steal your packets cannot see the content of these messages. These messages, which can only be seen by the recipient, can be sent in written, photographed and video formats. Thus, I can say that those who want multimedia submissions can find what they are looking for in reTXT.
The fact that the application also offers group chat support allows many people to chat at the same time, and even if you leave the group, you can return without inviting anyone.
ReTXT, which offers a wide range of options for deleting or editing sent messages, allows you to delete your message completely or edit it as a new message without leaving any traces of your original message. At the same time, if there is a request for an explanation from the other party about the messages you have written, you can do this by marking the message and avoid unnecessary text messages.
Those looking for a new and cross-platform messaging app should not miss reTXT, which can be a serious competitor to other popular messaging apps.
reTXT Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: reTXT Labs, LLC
- Latest Update: 20-03-2022
- Download: 1