Download SafeView
Download SafeView,
SafeView stands out as a practical and reliable photo hiding application developed for use on tablets and smartphones with Android operating system. Thanks to SafeView, which has a reasonable price tag for its task, we can effortlessly hide our photos that we do not want to be seen by others.
Download SafeView
There may be people who want to browse our photo gallery from time to time, especially at friends meetings. If you have a personality that cant say no, but you also have photos that you dont want them to see, SafeView is your savior in this regard. In order to use the application, we first log in and select the photos we want to show. Photos that we do not choose are kept confidential. Afterwards, our friends can only browse our selected photos, they cannot see the rest.
If you wish, you can share the photos you have chosen with your friends through different channels. Built on a reliable infrastructure, SafeView is a functional option that users who are frequently exposed to the situation we mentioned should try.
SafeView Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Kostas Fotarakis
- Latest Update: 22-02-2023
- Download: 1