Download SGK Transactions
Download SGK Transactions,
SGK Transactions is a free SGK application prepared for employees where you can access all the information you wonder about SGK. The application, which you can download and install on your Android phones and tablets, also has a Pro version that you can use for a fee. You do not see ads in this version.
Download SGK Transactions
With the application where you can control your SGK premiums, you can also see your income information.
The application, where you can see the necessary information about all the workplaces you work with, is very comfortable to use thanks to its simple and modern interface and allows you to easily access all the information you want. The application, which offers up to the dates of entry and exit to the workplaces, can also display your average salary at your former workplaces along with this information.
The application, where you can find the answer to the most curious question of how to retire, also offers you the necessary conditions for your retirement. I strongly recommend you to download the free version and use the application.
SGK Transactions Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Sosyal Güvenlik SGK
- Latest Update: 19-04-2023
- Download: 1