Download Simulator Laser
Download Simulator Laser,
Simulator Laser is one of the most downloaded games of recent times. However, the fact that a game has high download numbers does not prove that it is a good production. Simulator Laser is one of the best examples of this situation.
Download Simulator Laser
In this application, which does not have many functions, we control devices with effects similar to the lightsabers we are used to seeing in Star Wars. Similar to Wicked Lasers products, these lasers look like real lasers but only on the device screen. In other words, there is no beam of light reflected outside as shown in the screenshots.
There are devices with different models and colors in the application. You can select the one you want and activate it. Simulator Laser, which is offered completely free of charge, can be tried by laser enthusiasts.
Simulator Laser Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: Game
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Empire Apps And Games
- Latest Update: 21-09-2022
- Download: 1