Download SpareMin
Download SpareMin,
SpareMin is among the apps you can use to make free calls on your Android phone.
Download SpareMin
The SpareMin application, which offers free calls to your friends and loved ones anywhere in the world without sharing your phone number or e-mail address, has impressive features that distinguish it from its peers.
By choosing to be called only when you are available, sending instant notifications to callers at your available times, setting a time limit for calls (by default, 5 minutes is selected and if you dont change it, it means calls will automatically end during this period) and allowing free calls worldwide so that your work is not interrupted by suddenly incoming calls during the day. SpareMin, which stands out, has an extremely interface reminiscent of the social networks we frequently use.
SpareMin Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: SpareMin
- Latest Update: 04-01-2022
- Download: 209