Download Sublime Text
Download Sublime Text,
You may be hearing the name of Sublime Text, the program for the first time. Although it has an old version that can work stably, it has managed to become the focus of attention of web programmers and web masters with its latest Sublime Text 2 Beta version. It has increased its user base in a short time, thanks to the fact that it offers a number of features that are partly found in many advanced text editors, free of charge, under one roof. You can follow the developments by visiting the website every day and transfer your program to the updated version without any problems. Although the program is actually paid, you can use all its features for free without registration. If it continues its rapid growth, I strongly recommend that you download the program, which is likely to be fully paid in the near future, and throw it into your archive.
Download Sublime Text
General features:
- Plain, simple interface.
- Possibility to work on all files at the same time by dividing the screen into multiple parts at the same time.
- Being able to preview the line of code you have written.
- Full screen mode. For you to use all the pixels on your monitor.
- Code Coloring: The program recognizes all commonly used languages as standard and performs the coloring function automatically. The color choices are also very nice. C, C++, C#, CSS, D, Erlang, HTML, Groovy, Haskell, HTML, Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, Lisp, Lua, Markdown, Matlab, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, SQL, TCL, Textile recognizes XML and other languages that we cant count here.
- Automatic save. In this way, the codes you write are safely stored. When you encounter any problem, your last recorded file is uploaded.
- Rich formatting, auto-complete based on the programming language youre writing.
- Ability to search through code blocks using RegEX.
- Ability to make multiple selections. Function to select multiple lines at once.
- Ability to Spell Check.
- Do not upload only the visible part of the files and only the invisible parts when you enter the screen. Asynchronous installation.
- Additional features such as Macro, Code blocks, repeating the last written function.
- Rich API system with Python plugin.
NOTE: It gives the opportunity to download the program and use it for free without registration. If you like it and you want to support the manufacturer, you can use it as a license by paying the fee.
Sublime Text Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 5.30 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Jon Skinner
- Latest Update: 23-03-2022
- Download: 1