Download System Information Retriever
Download System Information Retriever,
In order to get all the information about the hardware on your computer in the easiest way, you can use the System Information Retriever program instead of navigating through Windows, so you can see detailed information on a single screen in the fastest way.
Download System Information Retriever
The program offers you all the information you may need about your hardware by presenting your computers BIOS software, motherboard, processor, operating system and graphics card in detail. The program, which is completely free for home users, is therefore frequently preferred by those who want to change parts but want the parts to be compatible with each other.
In addition, if you do not know the exact features of your hard drives or the model for technical support, you can still use the program and do your research without removing the device.
System Information Retriever Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.21 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Furqan Ullah
- Latest Update: 11-04-2022
- Download: 1