Download Takasbank Bes
Download Takasbank Bes,
Takasbank Bes is an application where Individual Pension System (BES) participants can access information about their accounts.
Download Takasbank Bes
An official application where you can check the current fund values and the State Contribution amounts (in terms of the number of funds and market value) transferred to your account in your Private Pension accounts that you participate in mandatory or voluntarily.
In the existing markets within Borsa Istanbul; Private Pension System Services, one of the services provided on the website of Takasbank, the central clearing house authorized to finalize the cash and securities settlement of shares, debt instruments, foreign capital market instruments, derivative instruments and precious metals transactions, on your smartphone with the Takasbank Bes mobile application. .
As a member of the Individual Pension System (BES), it provides you with the convenience of accessing your BES account information 24/7 from your phone. You can view your BES accounts by logging in with your E-Government account (it is safe as you can access Takasbank BES system via the E-Devlet website). All your BES accounts, which you are automatically included by the government and joined voluntarily, are displayed in one place, separated as active and passive. If you wish, you can request notification of daily balance changes in your BES accounts by text message and/or e-mail, and monthly balance changes and monthly fund amount information by e-mail.
Takasbank Bes Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 4.90 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Takasbank - İstanbul Takas ve Saklama Bankası A.Ş.
- Latest Update: 12-07-2023
- Download: 1