Download Teacher Aide 2 Demo
Download Teacher Aide 2 Demo,
Teacher Aide 2 Demo is a demo version of the original app. In this demo version, whose original application is Teacher Aide Pro 2, you have the chance to use the same features with some restrictions.
Download Teacher Aide 2 Demo
With this application, which you can download and use on your Android devices, you can easily handle all kinds of work throughout the entire academic year. The demo version of the application will be enough for you to use for 3-5 weeks, so you can decide whether you like it or not and buy the application.
The limitation to the features of the pro version of the application is that it allows you to create a single class with 30 students and to create 15 attendances and tasks. Although the price of the application itself is a bit high, I believe that the comfort it gives you is worth it.
In the pro version of the application, there are many detailed features such as creating 225 students for a class, 30 classes for a term and 10 terms for a year, taking attendance, keeping track of grades, group message features with students and parents, by paying one time.
If youre a teacher and looking for an app to streamline your work, you should check out this app with Teacher Aide 2 Demo.
Teacher Aide 2 Demo Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: In Pocket Solutions
- Latest Update: 19-02-2023
- Download: 1