Download TuneWiki
Download TuneWiki,
TuneWiki is a free application developed for Android users to find the lyrics of the music they listen to on their smartphones and tablets.
Download TuneWiki
With the help of the application, you can find the lyrics of the songs you listen to, as well as decorate the lyrics with the pictures and fonts you want and share them directly with your friends on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
You can instantly translate the lyrics you are viewing into more than forty languages and save them by adding the lyrics to your photos in your gallery.
Again with the help of the application, you can visit the community page to view which songs or lyrics are popular, and discover the latest music.
Apart from all these, if you do not know who sang the songs you are listening to, you can find out which artist you listen to and the name of the song by using the song recognition feature in the application. Then you have the chance to view the lyrics of this song.
If you like to listen to music and also want to view the lyrics of the music you listen to, I definitely recommend you to try TuneWiki.
TuneWiki Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: TuneWiki
- Latest Update: 03-04-2023
- Download: 1